Monday, April 14, 2008

Back In America :/

Well...that's it I guess. I've been in America for about an hour and a half now. I've cried atleast half a dozen times during that. It started when Alex, Djimi, and I parted ways from Alison in Dublin. I don't like this slow peeling away of people. First Kurt in Niger, then Alison. Atleast when the three of us landed here in JFK we said a quick good bye and then quickly left for our respective continuations. None of this drawn out good bye nonsense.

I got half way to the air train that links the terminals and the tears started coming. In saying goodbye to those last traveling companions it really felt like the final connections back to my service had passed. While we were traveling we still felt like PCV's in a way. Well, I did atleast. It could have been any vacation taken during service. But now we've hit stateside and parted ways to go home. And knowing that even if I do see all of them again, it will be in a completely different context with completely different experiences behind us, that chapter of my life is really closed now. There's no more pretending.

Sure I might find my way back to Niger, or atleast West Africa. But it won't be the same. It's time to move life after Peace Corps. Bittersweet as it may be.

(regains his composure and wipes away another wave of tears)(Deep Breath)

By the way, this is not the last post. I have many many back posts that I want to eventually get typed up and posted. Also I still have to fill you in on the rest of my vacation, not to mention my adjustments back to the states. So you can probably expect atleast another month or two of posts. After that...who knows.


At 3:44 PM, April 14, 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

congratulations on your return, this is jimmies grandma. wish you good luck and tell your mom hi for us, grandma klein

At 6:31 PM, April 18, 2008, Blogger Beth Gallagher said...

Congratulations on returning back to the states safe and sound! I have enjoyed reading about your travels and experiences over the last year and wish you the best with your next "book"! Ever since our daughter (Boo) left 16 months ago (who's counting!- ME!) I have read whatever I can about Niger, searched for blogs, and tried to imagine what it was like there! I wish you the best back here in Amerik and maybe we will meet you some day! Good Luck!


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