Sunday, June 25, 2006

"Ni ma kande iri se Generator"

What follows is a more or less accurate representation of a conversation I had with my Maigari's son Boureima. The actual conversation was in Zarma of course. I have translated more or less literally, so you can see how limited my ability to explain things to my villagers is. Sometimes developement work is frustrating.

Boureima: You should bring us a generator.

Me: Why?

B: Because people need electricity.

M: Not true.

B: Of course! If a person has electricity he is thankful to god! You should bring us a generator.

M: But you have a solar panel. You have electricity.

B: It has no strength.

M: What do you want electricity for?

B: All these buildings want electricity (gestures to all the houses in the Maigari's concession). The Mosque, it wants electricity. If we have electricity we will be happy.

M: I understand, but what will you do with electricity?

B: We will have no darkness at night. Lots of lamps. That would be sweet right?

M: Maybe.

B: And we can watch tv.

M: You do that now.

B: The tv. It died. We have a new one. It is bigger.

M: So watch it off your solar panel.

B: The battery. It doesn't have strength.

M: So sell the big tv. Buy a small one like the one you had. You can then buy food. You keep saying you have no food.

B: But bigger is sweet, right?

M: Not if you have no food.

B: If we have electricity we will have food.

M: Not true.

B: Of course! People will pay to watch the tv.

M: But you keep saying no one has any money, who will pay?

B: No. The kids. Look, this kid, he has 50cfa. He will pay to watch.

M: He should use that money to buy food.

B: Ali! You will bring us a generator! Wouldn't you like to have lights and electricity.

M: Not really. I don't need it here.

B: America, they have electricity right?

M: Yes, but in America, electricity has been there for so long that now, if it stops, life stops. Here, if there is no electricity, it's not a problem.

B: You should bring us a generator, it will be sweet for you.

M: Fine, if god wills it.

The conversation was slightly longer and took about two hours to get through. I just could not make them see that a generator would not really make their lives any better. I didn't even get into the fact that they would have to buy gas for the thing which would give them even less money for food. Ah well. Kala Suuru.


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